Healthy Aging Advice for Seniors
Sleep Tips for Seniors

Getting your full night’s rest can be much easier said than done, so here are a few tips you can try at night to help induce sleepiness before bed.
Invest in A Comfy Mattress
Your mattress is arguably the most important addition to your bedroom and comfort should be of the highest priority, especially when you become riper in age. It shouldn’t be too high off the ground where you struggle to get from your chair to the mattress, and it should be accommodating to your specific needs. If you sleep on your back and have lower back pain, for example, you would likely benefit from a firm mattress. The best extra firm mattress you can find will be one that contains coils because they provide an additional layer of much-needed support.
Follow A Strict Bedtime
Once you reach about 65 years old, your circadian rhythm (otherwise known as our internal clock) becomes more inconsistent. You may be more tired earlier in the night and wake up earlier in the morning than you used to. Get your body’s alarm clock back on track by going to sleep around the same time every night, even if you’re on vacation or traveling. If you prefer to wake up at 7:00 a.m. every morning, make sure you’re in bed by 10:30 or 11:00. After you make a habit of it, your body will naturally begin to recognize that it’s bedtime and will start to wind down for the night.
Start A Nighttime Routine
Practicing a regular routine before bed is an effective way to make sure your body and mind are relaxed, which is crucial when it comes to falling asleep quickly and staying asleep. You just want to make sure your routine consists of calming activities, like reading a book or listening to serene sounds from a sound machine. There’s no saying how long your routine should be or how many activities it should include, all that matters is that you feel relaxed by the end of it.
Engage in Light Exercises During The Day
Exercising is a scientifically proven way to ensure you feel sleepy as you near bedtime, not to mention its array of other health benefits. Even if you’re restricted to your wheelchair, talk to your doctor about possible exercises you can do while in your chair that’ll get your heart rate up, and get the time you spend awake at night down.
Stay Away from Electronics Around Bedtime
The screens on electronics in your home like your television, iPad, and mobile phone emit a blue light that limits the production of melatonin in your body. You’ve probably heard of melatonin before, the hormone in your body that’s responsible for regulating your sleep-wake cycle. Without this hormone present, your body struggles to recognize that it’s time for bed. To be safe, it’s best to stay away from electronics about an hour or an hour and a half before bed.
Author Bio: McKenzie Dillon is a blogger and sleep enthusiast for The Slumber Yard, a reviews site that focuses on bedding products. When she’s not sleeping, McKenzie likes attending music festivals, reading novels and practicing yoga.