Mobility Scooter Accessories
Scooters are pretty basic pieces of equipment but their are a few options an accessories which may make the scooter more functional or comfortable for users. Some options are generic and can be purchased as after market scooter accessories and added to most types of scooters and other options are specific to a particular model of scooter and must be ordered through a dealer from the manufacturer.
Below are a list of popular and not so popular accessories and a short description of each. For items which can be purchased as after market products I've added a link to an online retailer who sell them. If the option doesn't have a link to a retailer you will have to order it from your dealer when you order the scooter.
Scooter Canopy
Scooter canopies are intended to protect the user from weather. While being fairly effective for sun protection scooter canopies are only moderately effective for protection from rain, snow and wind. If the bad weather is coming from behind the scooter canopies like the one pictured above are quite protective but when driving into the weather they don't help much. Many people do buy and use them because even minimal protection from bad weather is better than no protection and they are a fairly inexpensive option.
Scooter Covers
Scooter covers are really a necessity rather than an option for people who will be storing their scooter where it may be exposed to the weather or for those who will transport the scooter on a scooter carrier on the back of their vehicle. Scooters are designed to withstand rain and snow for users who hwve to be out in such weather but if they are stored outside and exposed, eventually the weather will get into the electronics and cause problems in addition to rusting the metal parts.
Oxygen Tank Holders
There are users who cannot be without a portable supply of medical oxygen when traveling by scooter and for safety and convenience an oxygen carrier is a great option. There are generic tank holders for high pressure "d" and "e" sized cylinders. Because the variety of sizes and shapes of liquid oxygen portable tanks users will probably have to get a holder or carrier from their oxygen supplier that is designed for their particular system.
Cane/Walker Carriers
Scooter users who leave their scooters for short periods of time will often need to use a cane or walker but driving a scooter and trying to carry the walking aid can be difficult and dangerous. Carriers are either bracket of strap systems which will hold the cane/walker securely while the scooter is being driven. Just about every manufacturer will offer either a cane hold or a walker holder as an option when you are purchasing a scooter..
Pouches and Bags
There are a varierty of pouches and bags on the market designed to allow the scooter user to carry items with them while driving. They are usually a heavy cloth or canvas like material and the different styles can be used on the tiller, back, under the seat or hang from a seat arm.
Light Packages
Depending on the intended use of the scooter when designed, lights may be standard equipment on a scooter but occasionally they have be ordered as an option when buying the scooter. Some scooters just have a headlight, some have a headlight and taillights and others have headlights, taillights and signals. When a scooter is used at night on the raods it is extremely important to have lights on the scooter so the user can be seen and more importantly be seen.
Safety Flags
Safety flags are not something most people purchase when purchasing a sccoter but anyone who is going to drive their scooter in parking lots or areas wheere there may be vehicular traffic should have one. After havinga client of mine killed by driving behind a pickup truck when it was backing out of a parking space I began giving a flag to every person who purchased a scooter. When a user is sitting on a scooter, they often aren't tall enough to be seen by drivers who are reversing. A safety flag will cost $20.00 to $40.00 from a dealer but if you buy one at a bicycle shop it will probably cost less than $15.00. Having a flag does not necessarily mean the driver will see the scooter but it will certainly help.