Powered Seats

power seats

Powered seats come in a variety of styles and types but for the most part there are two different types.

Turning Seats:

Turning seats are seats that turn out of the vehicle and often lower themsleves low enough for a user to sit on. Once seated the seat will lift and turn back into the vehicle posiitoning the user in the car or van.

Depending on the model, the seat may be in the front passenger position, drivers position or even the side door positions in a minivan.

Click for more information on Turning Seats

Six Way Power Seats:

Six way power seats are for wheelchair users normally. It allows them to drive the vehicle from a regular vehicle seat. or sit in the passenger position. In short the wheelchair user transfers from their wheelchair into the vehicle seat in the rear of the van. The seat then rotates to face forward, moves forward to the front position and the seat height can be adjusted.

Click for more information on Six Way Seats

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