Walking Aids
There are many people who require some assistance with mobility but do not require a wheelchair all of the time or don't require a wheelchair at all. For these people there are many products to aid their mobility which I've lumped under the category of walking aids.
As with wheelchairs there are many types and configurations of walking aids ranging from a simple cane to an elaborate walking frame. Basic canes can be purchased for as low as $10.00 or $12.00 but a high end walking frame will be priced in the thousands of dollars.
Most walking aids are designed not only to deal with issues related to balance, stamina and strength of the user, but also the height and weight of the user. The amount of impairment of these three attributes of walking will determine which walking aid is the right one for the user. As with any other medical equipment, it's important to have the input of a reputable dealer or a healthcare professional.
The links below will take you to pages devoted to different walking aids discussing the attributes of each.