Alberta Aids to Daily Living Program (AADL)

Invacare Patriot Wheelchair
The Alberta Aids to Daily Living Program (AADL) was created to assist in the purchase of many types of medical equipment for Alberta residents with a valid provincial Health Card.
The device categories are listed below:
- Aural rehabilitation
- Back and abdominal supports
- Bathing and toileting equipment*
- Burnscar garments
- Compression stockings and garments
- Custom-made footwear
- Custom-made ocular prostheses**
- Dressing supplies
- Hearing aids and FM systems
- Homecare beds and accessories*
- Incontinence supplies (diapers and catheters)
- Injection supplies (not provided for insulin injections)
- Laryngectomy equipment and supplies
- Mastectomy prostheses**
- Orthotic braces (not foot orthotics) **
- Ostomy supplies
- Oxygen
- Patient lifters*
- Pressure reduction overlays
- Prosthetic devices**
- Respiratory equipment and supplies*
- Shoe elevations
- Specialized pediatric equipment*
- Specialized seating devices
- Speech generating communication devices
- Stocking aids
- Therapeutic shoes with custom modifications
- Transfer aids
- Walkers and walking aids
- Wheelchair cushions and accessories
- Wheelchairs - manual and power*
*These products may be used
**These products are free of charge for Albertan seniors.
To qualify for the AADL program the applicant will have to have a long term medical need (six months or more), have a valid Alberta Health Card and be assessed by an suitable healthcare professional.
Albertans pay 25% of the benefit cost to a maximum of $500 per individual or family per year. Low-income Albertans and those receiving income assistance are exempt from paying the cost-sharing portion.
Alberta has a lot of good information on this program on their website at: