Wheelchair Drop Seat Wheelchair Cushion
Drop seats are used in wheelchairs for several reasons. They can lower the user to allow them to foot propel or transfer into or out of their wheelchair easier. They can also be used to provide a tilt to the seat of the wheelchair which can aid in proper positioning. To install a drop seat the wheelchair upholstery is removed and the seat pan is attached to the side seat rails using drop hooks.
With some drop seats the amount of drop has to be specified when ordering but most come with adjustable hooks. The drop hooks can be set up so there will be up to 2" of drop depending on the manufacturer of the drop seat.
Pictured below are two different drop seat options that include cushions but drop bases can be ordered and used with many existing cushions.
Action® Drop SeatThe Xact® Integrated Drop Seat comes complete with the Xact® Soft Cushion. Available in sizes between 16" x 16" and 20" x 20" and with either standard cover or incontinent cover. A variety of drop hook options are available as listed below:
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Jay 2 Deep Contour Drop Seat Wheelchair CushionThe J2 Deep Contour Wheelchair Cushion is an ultra lightweight, pre-contoured foam base with a 3D Jay Flow Fluid Tri-Pad. It is designed for the person at extremely high risk of skin breakdown, who also seeks unparalleled comfort and stability.The J2 Deep Contour Wheelchair Cushion is also available with a solid drop seat for optimum function. Replacing the wheelchair upholstery with the solid seat option can lower the wheelchair cushion height by 1 1/2 inches, making foot propelling, hand propelling and transfers easier.
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