Quickie 646 Wheelchair
Power Wheelchair User Tips
Below are a series of tips that will make the use of a power wheelchair easier for users and caregivers.
For manual wheelchair tips click here.
- Charging the battery nightly will ensure a full day of normal use for most users; assuming the batteries are not too old.
- Power wheelchair batteries that are used a lot have longer life spans than those that sit idle for most of the day or used only rarely.
- Batteries in power wheelchairs that aren't being used for a period of time should be charged up about once a month to keep them active.
- Keep air inflated tires fully inflated to ease rolling of the power wheelchair, lengthen the time needed between battery charges, maximize mileage and maximize tire and tube life spans.
- Added care must be given wheel a power wheelchair is used on slippery surfaces. The wheelchair brakes may not slow or stop the wheelchair if they don't have proper traction.
- For users who cannot get close enough to tables, desks or counters because the joystick protrudes too far can order swing away joystick mounts.
- If a power wheelchair stops working for any reason the brakes will automatically engage. To push the power wheelchair there will be a brake release for each motor mounted either on the wheel hubs or motors themselves that will disengage the brakes. (The wheelchair will not work with the brakes disengaged.)
- Use caution when traveling on sand or in snow. The scooter can get stuck fairly easily leaving the user stranded in unsafe conditions.
- Having a bright orange flag will make the power wheelchair user more visible in traffic and parking lots. (Available at most bicycle shops for a low price)