Ceiling Lift Specialty Sling Information
While most slings are used for transferring and toileting there are several slings I consider specialty slings that are also available. These specialty slings are designed for specific uses and more commonly found in institutions and rehab centres.

Medcare Repositioning Sling
Repositioning Slings
Repositioning slings are used to reposition patients in beds and are most commonly found in institutions but can be used at home if needed. The use of a repositioning sling will help prevent back injuries to caregivers when trying to move people in bed. They can also be used to transfer patients who need to be kept laying flat from a bed to a stretcher.
Some models of the repositioning sling have designed them to be placed on the bed before the patient and act as a lower sheet. This design of the sling doesn't require turning the patient back and forth to place the sling under them each time they need to be repositioned.
Some models require a special lifting support be used to use a repositioning sling.

Guldmann Turner Sling
Turning Slings
Turning slings make it possible to roll a patient on both sides without removing the sling. It can be placed under the patient without having to roll the patient or shift them around.
The small size of this sling allows access to patient's skin for inspection, treatment and care.

BHM Walking Sling
Walking/Standing Slings
Walking slings are designed to aid in walking and retrain those who have lost the ability to walk. Their design provides a safe method of for people to stand and walk without having to rely on others to hold them upright or provide balance.
In order to use a walking sling the user must be able to bear some weight on their legs. The lift can be used to adjust the amount of weight that the legs have to bear.
Because a fairly large amount of weight is carried by the walking sling it really needs to be tried out before purchasing. Some models will put more pressure on the groin area than others.
Disposable Slings
Disposable slings are used in institutions primarily as single patient use slings. By disposing of slings after infectious patients are done with them the spread of diseases can be greatly reduced.
Custom Slings
Ceiling lift manufacturers are well aware that there will always be patients who have special needs that aren't addressed by their sling options and most will create custom slings for special situations.