Bruno Electra-Ride III Curved Stair Lift
The Electra-ride III stair lift is an older model that is no longer available from Bruno. I've left this information online for anyone looking for information on it.

The Electra Ride III Curved Stair lift is manufactured by Bruno Independent Living Aids in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. The Electra Ride III stair lift is a truly custom manufactured stair chair which can be built to accommodate virtually any stairway configuration including outside curves, inside curves, flat landings, flat landings with inside, outside curves and overruns at either the top and/or bottom of the staircase.
The Electra Ride III stair lift powers it's rack and pinion drive with a powerful 24 volt motor which gets it's power supplied by two 12 volt batteries which are charged automatically when the stair chair is parked.
The Electra Ride III's seat is contoured and height adjustable to provide comfort and offers custom fabric choices to allow users make their unit blend into their decor.
This stair lift can also be upgraded with extra safety feature to make it suitable for installation in commercial applications
Electra Ride III Stair Lift Specifications
Applications: Straight staircases, straight with top or bottom overruns and straight with intermediate landing. Variety of flat, spiral, and custom staircase configurations on both the inside and outside of the staircase.
Power Source: 24 Volt DC comprised of 2 ea 7amp/hr 12 volt sealed maintenance-free lead acid batteries. On/Off power switch to prevent battery drain over lengthy storage periods.
Charger: 110 Volt AC 1.5 Amp, 24 Volt DC 2 Amp continuous monitoring, full primary cut off.
Drive: 24 Volt DC motor, 2 pole rated 1.02 hp intermittent duty (2hr cont.) limited at current setting, no load speed 3800 rpm.
Motor Controller: Custom 24 Volt DC pulse width modulated controller with acceleration ramping.
Braking: Dynamic motor braking through the motor controller and self locking worm gear box.
Remote Control: Custom 2.4 GHz wireless "CALL/SEND" control with interference suppression.
Standard Control: 3 position, momentary rocker switch requiring user to continuously hold rocker switch to control unit, switch mounted under armrest. Optional keyed controls.
Angle: 0 to 45 degrees standard.
Speed: User adjustable with a maximum of 32 feet per minute.
Track Length: Custom length rails to 50.
Track Construction: 5/16 mild steel welded shape, covered gear rack welded to rail. Joint with welded on side clamp blocks at each rail joint.
Track Location: Track is designed to the contour of the stairway and can fit to within 7- 8 of the wall or obstruction.
Track Extensions: Standard track extension is 6 past the top step nose and 18-20 past the bottom step nose.
Footrest: Folding footrest with safety sensor panel and handle actuator.
Seat: Padded, sliding park position, & self-locking swivel at both the top and bottom. Four position seat height adjustment.
Power Outage: Unit will have 8 (minimum) to 20 round trips on battery charge (variance caused by angle, length of run, ambient temperature and rider weight). Batteries will last between 28 and 36 hours after the power is disconnected.
Commercial Package: Keyed rocker switch on chair, keyed remote call/send controls, and overspeed safety brake.
- Seat swivel switch allows operation only when chair is center position.
- Footrest safety switches
- Retractable seat belts
- Charging Light (amber) at each end of rail
- 25 amp manual reset breaker on the motor control circuit
- 5amp power switch fuse on the control circuits
- Final end stop bumper at each end of the rail
- Final limit switch
- Full diagnostic interconnect circuit board
- Optional overspeed safety brake